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This course covers the basics of hydraulic technology and its usage in hydraulic systems for motion control.
This course is designed for students who have completed the Engineering Design course.
Snider Fleet Services is a medium sized firm that provided tire retreading, truck fleet services, off-road and industrial tires to customers in the Southeast United States.
A routine review of expense reports by the Internal Audit Department at Zip Tech Corporation inadvertently uncovered a workplace romance between an executive and a lower-level employee.
Strings for Hope was started by a woman who discovered food insecurity in her middle-class community.
Dwelling House Savings and Loans (DHSL) was dealing with the aftermath of the financial crisis that hit the Hill District community.
Hooters, America’s first and most influential breastaurant chain (a restaurant with waitresses in revealing uniforms), had endured – but also embraced – criticisms of its image for decades.
This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Volume 38 Issue 2. Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.
The Washington Redskins professional football team face a new social climate with the sudden rise of power and influence of the Black Lives Matter Movement.
The death of George Floyd sparked a cry for racial justice that infiltrated every aspect of American life in the summer of 2020, including business marketing and product branding.
In preparation for the holiday shopping season, Peloton, a home exercise equipment manufacturer and workout streaming service, created controversy with one of its advertisements in 2019.
Fast Fashion companies, including H&M, have grown considerably since the 1990s by satisfying consumers’ insatiable appetite for the latest fashionable trends at low prices.
In August 2020 – in the midst of a hotly contested U.S. presidential election – Donald J.
On June 10, 2020, the editor-in-chief of Conde Nast magazine Bon Appétit resigned amid allegations of racial discrimination.
After a terrorist attack at the Pensacola Naval Air Station, Apple received immense public pressure to comply with the FBI’s request to assist in unlocking the encrypted iPhone of the attacker.
The Coronavirus / COVID-19 crisis of 2020 resulted government restrictions on travel, accompanied by a public loss of confidence in the safety of air transport, all of which led quickly to a decl
In October 2019, Houston Rockets General Manager tweeted in support of the Hong Kong Protests. The tweet was met with outrage by the Chinese government and many Chinese fans.
No business is immune to the massive changes resulting from COVID-19, but leaders who develop an entrepreneurial mindset - from executives to their independent salesforce - prove agile at adaptin
A humanistic business management approach to thinking about the economy. Capitalists vs.
2020: Writing Case Studies in Changing Times
Bradley W. Brooks, Queens University of Charlotte
Britt M. Shirley, The University of Tampa