All events unless otherwise noted are to be held on the Iberoamericana campus in Puebla.
15:00 - 16:15

Sunday, July 9, 2000

 Registration at the University
 Get Acquainted Social
 Opening Plenary Session
 Preparing Men and Women For Others In a Global Economy
Chair: Javier Sanchez, General Academic Director, Universidad Iberoamericana Golfo Centro, Puebla, Mexico
Carlos Velasco, S.J., Rector, Universidad Iberoamericana Golfo Centro, Puebla, Mexico
Ramiro Bernal, IAJBS President, Vice President for Educational Services, Universidad Iberoamerica Golfo Centro, Puebla, Mexico
Thomas A. Bausch, IAJBS Executive Director, Professor of Management, College of Business, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA

Video Message from Very Rev. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, S.J., Superior General of the Society of Jesus. "An Important Work: Preparing Men and Women for Service in the Global Economy" The tape will be introduced by Gabriel Codina, S.J., Secretary for Education, Society of Jesus

Luis Ugalde, S.J., Rector, Universidad Andres Bello, Caracas, Venezuela, President, Asociacion De Universidades Confiadas a la Compania de Jesus en America Latina (AUSJAL). "A Message From the South: Serving the Poor as a Challenge to Business Educators in the Jesuit Context"

Fabio Tobon, Colombia, President, World Union of Jesuit Alumni

"A Challenge to Business Educators from the World Union – Your Alumni" Response: Thomas A. Bausch, Executive Vice President, IAJBS College of Business Administration, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI, USA "Response From the North”

  Gonzalo Arroyo, S.J., Founder of Loyola-ILADES MBA Program, Vice President of Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile    "Response From the South"

17:45 - 18:00   Break
Plenary Session I1
The Global Financial Situation
Chair:  Roberto Horta, Dean, Universidad Catolica de Uruguay, Montevideo, Uruguay
Speaker:   Ken Goldstein, Economist, The Conference Board, New York City, NY, USA
Subject:  "The US Perspective on Today’s Glob al Financial Picture"
Speaker:   Dr. Carlos Urzua, Director, Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City,  Mexico
    "A Justice Perspective on the Global Financial Picture"
19:30 - 20:30  Main Celebrant From Universidad Iberoamericana
 All priests present are invited to concelebrateAnd Homilist:
20:30 - 23:00 Opening Banquet

Monday, July 10, 2000

 Mass will be available at 6:45 a.m. in both the Jesuit House and the Camino Real for those who desire to attend. Buses will operate each day from both locations and from the Holiday Inn to the University.
 Buses will begin running from the Jesuit House and both hotels at 7:45 a.m. and run all day.
8:30 – 10:00Three Regional Perspectives on the Global Financial Economy
Chair:Philippe Dubin, S.J., Catholic University of Central Africa, Yaounde, Cameroun
Frank Navratil, Dean, Boler School of Business, John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA "The USA Perspective on Global Finance"
                                    Eliseo R. Mercado, Jr., OMI, President, Notre Dame University, Cotobato City, Philippines "The Asian Perspective on Global Finance"
                                    Luis Garcia, Dean, Facultad Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas, Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia
                                    "The Latin American Perspective on Global Finance"
10:00 - 10:30 Break 
10:30 - 12:00Panel
Value Issues in Finance: Three Responses
Chair:Hugo Beteta, Dean, Facultad de Ciede Ciencious Economicas, Universidad Ragael Landivar, Ciudad de Guatamala, Guatamala
Presentation:John Boatright, Professor of Business Ethics, Loyola University of Chicago "Teaching Financial Ethics in the Global Age,"
Presentation:Margarita Prat, Dean, ICADE, Madrid, Spain "A Teaching Response – The ICADE Approach to Integrating Ethics in Finance”
Presentation:Jean-Loup Dherse, Board of Trustees, Financial Observatory Project, Geneva Switzerland "A Research Response – Financial Observatory Project: Opportunities for Cooperation With Universities"
12:15 - 13:30 
Four Workshops - The Jesuit Business School Responds to The Global Financial Economy
The participants will be asked to attend the workshop of their choice. All, no matter the workshop one will attend, are invited to submit material to be posted on the Forum Website for consideration in Puebla. The objectives of these workshops will be to make each other aware of what is being done, opportunities for cooperation, research projects underway, and possible actions that can be taken by the IAJBS.  All results will be placed on the Website.
 Teaching Workshop in Spanish
Chair:Ana Milena Yoshiolta, Dean of Business, UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil Teaching Workshop in English
Chair:Jack Flanagan, Professor of Accounting and Head, School of Business, Australian Catholic University, MacKillop Campus, North Sydney, Australia Research Workshop in Spanish
Chair:Benigno Valdes Diaz, Associate Dean, ICADE Research Workshop in English
Chair:J. Patrick O'Brien, Dean, Joseph A. Butt, S.J. College of Business
 Administration, Loyola University of New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
13:30 -15:00 Lunch
15:00-16:30   Plenary Session I11
 Keynote Address
Chair:William J. McGinnis, S.J., Professor of Management, School of Management, Boston College, Boston, MA, USA Message From Charles L. Currie, S.J., AJCU
Speaker:Mr. Charles Clough, Jr., Chairman, Boston College Board of Trustees, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Clough Capital Partners "The Jesuit Business School Challenge: Preparing Moral Leaders for the Global Financial Economy of the Twenty-First Century"
Responses: Xabier Gorostiaga, S.J., Secretario Ejecutivo, AUSJAL "A Response From Latin America" Dr. Peter John Opino, Dean of Business, Ugandan Martyrs University Kampala, Uganda "A Response from Africa"
16:30 - 16:45 Break
Refreshments will be available for about an hour.
16:4518:30     Unstructured Program
Several Schools will have representatives at tables during this period of time in order to discuss programs, exchange opportunities, opportunities for research and anything else. This is meant to be a period of unstructured activity. For those interested, we have scheduled a workshop on accreditation as listed below.
(1)Catholic University of Central Africa

ETEA, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y

Empresariales, Universidad de Cordoba

(3)University of Detroit Mercy
(4)Universidad Javariana de Cali
 We will also have a few roundtable discussions as follows:
16:45 - 17:45  Roundtable Presentations and Discussions

Partnerships That Work

Regis University Has Partnerships Utilizing distance Learning With the

Graduate School of Business, Ateneo de Manila and in Santiago, Chile and

Puerto Rico - Ira L. Plotkin, Academic dean, Internal Programs and Associate Vice President, New Ventures



Poverty Research: How Can A Business School Respond

Thomas Fernandez, Xavier Institute of Management, Mumbai,

"A Catholic Perspective of Poverty.”

M. Arumairaj, World Union of Jesuit Alumnilae, India,

"Gender Dimensions in Wealth Distribution With Special Reference to India"

ILO Research Possibilities

"Cooperative Research"

(3)Comparative Educational Systems Vincent D. Aryanto, Dean of Economic Faculty, Soegijapranata Catholic University, Semarang, Indonesia
"Association of Catholic Universities in Indonesia: A Future-Focused Organization Towards Globalization in ASEAN"
17:45 – 18:45 
 Workshop on AACSB, The International Association for Management Education, Accreditation for Non-USA Schools
 Gary G. Williams, Dean, University of San Francisco, Chairman of the AACSB Accreditation Application Review Committee for Non U.S. Schools.
 Frank J. Navratil, Dean, John Carroll University, Chairman, Candidacy Committee.
 John T. Wholihan, Dean, Loyola Marymount University, Member of the Visitation Committee and Member of the Board of Beta Gamma Sigma.
The AACSB, The International Association for Management Education, in recent years has shifted its mission from being the USA business accreditation organization to being an organization with an international and global focus and it has begun the process of accrediting schools outside of the US and Canada. Some of the IAJBS members have asked that we have a session during the program on accreditation. This session is designed to meet that need. The three panel members between them have extensive experience in all aspects of accreditation. In addition, Dr. Wholihan is on the Board of Beta Gamma Sigma, the Honorary Business
Fraternity that recognizes excellent business students at most accredited schools.
 Schools are invited to set-up tables where they can display materials and discuss their programs and opportunities for cooperation with interested persons.
 Opportunities for Informal Small Group Discussions and One-on-One Interaction. The opportunity will be available to have small-group discussions.
Participants on Their Own to See Puebla, Enjoy Dinner, Etc.

Tuesday, July 11, 2000

6:45  Masses at Hotel Camino Real and Jesuit Residence for Those that Desire
7:30 - 8:15Busses to Universidad Iberoamericana Golfo Centro
7:45 - 8:30Early Bird Session Partnerships That Work
 This will be a repeat and extension of the Roundtable on
Partnerships from Monday.
 Mr. Ray Carey, Retired Executive, USA, "An Inquiry Into the Nature of Democracy and Capitalism." Mr. Carey has just finished a book with this title that reflects his many years of experience. All who are interested in his work, observations and wisdom, and the implications for justice and business education, are invited to join Ray for this Round Table.
8:3-9:45 Plenary Session IV
 Creating and Implementing Credible International Codes of Conduct: The Challenge to Scholars and Teachers in a Jesuit Business School
Chair:Thomas Fernandez, Dean, Xavier Institute of Management,  Mumbai, India

Prakash Sethi, Professor of Business Ethics, Baruch College - City  University of New York, New York, NY, USA "Creating and Implementing Credible International Codes of Conduct - The Case of Mattel, Inc., Global Manufacturing Principles (GMP)"


Mr. Fermin Cuza, Senior Vice President, Mattel, Inc.,

"The Role of Competitive Dynamics, Corporate Culture and Top  Management Orientation in Creating and Implementing International Codes of Conduct"

Response: Jaime Loring, S.J., Director of ETEA, Facultad de Ciencias Economicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain, "The Challenge I Hear for Business Educators"
9:45 – 10:15 Break
10:15-11:30Jesuit Business School Responses to Global Financial Problems
Chair:Luiz Bignetti, Dean of Business, UNISINOS, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil
Presentation:Manuel Rodriguez, Dean of Business, Universidad  Iberoamericana Golfo Central – Puebla "AUSJAL Project on Microenterprise"
 Sebastian Iruretagoyena, Associate Dean, Business Faculty, Universidad Deusto, San Sebastian, Spain "PhD Initiative to Aid Latin American Institutions"
 John Cotner, Lead Faculty Partner, Loyola MBA In Santiago, Sellinger School of Business and Management, Loyola College in Maryland, Baltimore, MD, USA
 Patricio Crichigno, MBA Director, ILADES, Universidad Alberto Hurtado, Santiago, Chile "Loyola College in Maryland MBA Initiative in Santiago, Chile: Lessons We have Learned for Effective Cooperation"
11:30 - 11:45Break
11:45- 1:45Opportunities for Jesuit Business School Scholars and Students to Cooperate With Others In The Creation of a Just World

Ana Milena Yoshioka, Dean, Facultao de Ciencias Economicas y Administrativas, Pontificia Universidad Javariana, Cali, Colombia

Part I:

Jean Loup Dherse and Mexican member of CAUX

"New CAUX Initiatives With Business Schools and The Jean Vanier Project"


Tom Giblin, S.J. , Economic and Social Research Institute, Doctoral Student, University College of Dublin, Founder of the Jesuits for Debt Relief and Development (JADRAD) Project and a member of its Advisory Board

"JADRAD – The International Jesuit Project on Poverty

Gaspar Lo Biondo, S.J., Senior Fellow, Woodstock Theological Center, Washington DC., Coordinator, "The Global Economy and Cultures Project."

This is a three-year international effort involving the collaboration of forty Jesuit social research and action centers around the world. Its purpose is to address ethical issues related to the globalized market economy and its impact on cultures and people, especially the poor.""
