Experience level: 
Intended Audience: 
Ingrid Greene, MBA, MA

Analysis of "Foundations to the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education (Experience Set)"

This study will review reflection papers of LMU students who submit to the "Foundations to the Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education (Experience Set)." This is an asynchronous activity option where students can complete five activities. Each video module is worth 50 points and the final reflection is worth 100 points. If students complete all five activities in the experience set (4 video modules + 1 final reflection), they can earn a bonus 50 points for the LMU CBA Advantage program. The analysis is based on a Pope Francis', Laudato Si’, and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Twenty key words will be chosen from both frameworks to include "Common Good," "Jesuit values," and "Social justice." The student reflections will be analyzed and key words will be tallied to identify the main concepts that students are coming away with after engaging in the Inspirational Paradigm exercise.