Robert Owen Social Entrepreneurship Case Study Info
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Social Entrepreneur Case Study - Robert Owen
Submitted by GCSEN Foundation
GCSEN Foundation
Case Study
April 8, 2020
Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Social Justice
Social enterprise, start-up, benefit corporation, service industry, Social Entrepreneurship, Social enterprise, social enterprises, Corporate social responsibility, shared value, stakeholder, social entrepreneurship, business ethics, social entrepreneur
Area of Study:
Business and Management
Target Audience:
Faculty/Researchers, Graduate Students, Undergraduate Students, Other Audience
Average rating:
As the Inaugural Case Study of the GCSEN Foundation, this work focuses on the life, times, and the extraordinary levels of capital (intellectual, human, social and financial) created by Robert Owen, a Welsh born, Scotland based, British industrialist.
GCSEN Foundation believes that a Social Entrepreneur is an entrepreneur who acts with purpose for people, profit and planet. Robert Owen is truly an epic Social Entrepreneur, whose life’s journey provides an example of Social Entrepreneurship boldly lived, against the odds, during the early stages of the Industrial Revolution.