

Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 6 (Fall 2013)

October 1, 2013
Accounting & Finance, Economics, Ethics & Social Justice, Human Resources & Organizational Behavior, Marketing & Sales, Operations, Strategy & General Management
journal preview, Business Journal, Society for Case Research, Journal of Critical Incidents, case writing, business cases
Area of Study: 
Business and Management
Target Audience: 
Average rating: 

This is the full preview of the Journal of Critical Incidents - Volume 6 (Fall 2013). Individual cases with the associated teaching notes can be found by searching the case title.

Target: The Challenge of Data Mining 

  • Steven M. Cox
  • Melinda Harper

Interviewing Ethics: What Would You Do? 

  • Charles Frasier
  • Andrew Borchers

InkySituation: ASafeIsNotAsSafeAsOneMightThink

  • Amber Kauffman
  • Gabriele Lingenfelter

Asking For Trouble Or Legally/Ethically Deductible?

  • Reed McKnight
  • Leigh Cellucci
  • Lou Fowler

Securities Fraud

  • Barry Minkow
  • Joseph Kastantin
  • Sergey Komissarov

International Adoption Or Rent-A-Womb In India?

  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Nanette Clinch

Should A&A Disclose FCPA Violations? 

  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Nanette Clinch

Flat World Knowledge: Paying Authors To Write Free Textbooks

  • Brent Beal
  • Jim Tarter

My Life In Numbers: An Insurance Decision

  • Ann Hackert
  • Jeff Brookman

The UMED Group: Expansion Crossroads

  • Kingshuk Mukherjee

Burning Bridges At The Restaurant: Should I Be Honest In My Exit Interview?

  • David Baker
  • Eric Nelson
  • Matthew VanSchenkhof
  • Sarah Rogers

Strike Or No Strike? Negotiating A Labor Contract During Tough Economic Times 

  • Timothy Brotherton
  • Carol Rewers

A Big Change At Get-You-There Air 

  • Philip M. Jolly
  • Joseph Reed
  • Bogdan Hoanca

The Fiasco On Friday 

  • Sambhavi Lakshminarayanan
  • Savita Hanspal

Club Advising 101

  • Gabriele Lingenfelter
  • Jessica Sterling

Now That He Knew, What Should He Do?

  • Reed McKnight
  • Leigh Cellucci
  • Roy Cook 
  • Phil Vardiman

How Do I Stick It Out In What Is Still A Hostile Environment?

  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Nanette Clinch
  • Pamela Wells

GEO Group, Inc. North Lake Correctional Facility’s Pivotal Operations/Staffing Decision

  • Carol Rewers

When A Raise Is A Slap In The Face: Do I Stay Or Do I Leave?

  • Neil Tocher
  • James Jolly

If You’re Out Of Schlitz, You’re Out Of Beer!

  • John J. Vitton
  • Seong-Hyun Nam

Shared Leadership At Bay Gray, Inc.

  • George L. Whaley

Police Discipline At Eastern State University 

  • Shirley A. Wilson
  • Lieutenant Charles P. Wilson

Gerber And Food Safety: Arsenic And (Old) Rice

  • Karen A. Berger
  • Laura J. Blake

Frontier Communications: A Study In Missed Customer Service Opportunities

  • Robert G. Edmunds

How Can BPI Restore Consumer Confidence In Pink Slime? 

  • Asbjorn Osland

Stakeholder Dialogue: Alley Cat Allies & US Fish And Wildlife Service 

  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Nanette Clinch

Chick-Fil-A: A Social Media Crisis

  • Cara Peters
  • Jane Thomas
  • Jamie Benjumea
  • Nick Garner
  • Katie Turner

Susan G. Komen Tries To Reconstruct Damaged Brand

  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Nanette Clinch

Why Did The Proposed Conversion Fail?

  • Marco Pagani
  • Asbjorn Osland
  • Chunlei Wang

Should We Pay Triple The Rent?

  • Tim Redmer
  • Michael Gray

Susan G. Komen – For The Cure

  • Joe G. Thomas
  • Cheryl Ward

Is This An Appropriate Issue For The Board Of Directors At A Credit Union To Consider?

  • Robert Tokle
  • Joanne Tokle

Transforming A Declining Shoe Retailer

  • Andrew Borchers
  • Bill Fredenberger

Predicting Service Delivery Times At The Britt Hunt Company

  • Andrew Borchers
  • Doug Sanford
  • Bill Fredenberger