
BCM Manuscript

Behavior Conditioning Model: A Leadership Exploration

Renee V. Downey
October 27, 2022
Strategy & General Management
Behavior Conditioning Model, leadership, behavior change, self awareness, interdisciplinary behavior conditioning
Area of Study: 
Business and Management
Target Audience: 
Faculty/Researchers, Graduate Students
Average rating: 

The leadership practitioner is focused on increasing mandates to create performance based systems that are accountable to self, teams, and the organization. To achieve this, understanding the linkage between organizational system concepts and interdisciplinary behavior conditioning lead. Decoding behavioral dimensions is the focus of this study.

The study provides a systematic approach and tools for a practitioner to uncover some of the underlying assumptions that individuals make to guide their behaviors. A developmental research approach was established by D. Hart as means of this extracting meaning from empirical research on behavior change by first mapping research domains, second codifying the findings into cognitive dimensions that interlink to define behaviors, and third to create a framework or model to test the assumptions with practitioners.

This white paper describes the development of the behavioral conditioning model and how a practitioner could use the model to explore one’s (self/others) behavior patterns leading to successful or unsuccessful leadership behavior change.