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Attributes of Effective Leaders Module
This module includes: 1.) curriculum related to CLC’s attributes of effective leaders including the LEADERSHIP acronym, teaching notes, reflection questions, and more; 2.) two classroom exercises to help students practice the attributes and apply their learning.
If leadership is about moving a group from its current state to a desired future state, there needs to be an exciting vision for a better future. The ultimate objective is for the leader to intervene skillfully and deliver results by focusing on two dimensions – relationship and process. The leader must always be thinking about process and prioritizing relationships with members of the group, or team. In a general sense, the leader must set clear expectations, show integrity, display emotional intelligence (awareness and regulation of emotions in self and others) and display a likable personality. At times, the leader may need to raise the heat and influence the group to work above and beyond what they thought they were capable of.
Collegiate Leadership Competition is a nonprofit organization focused on researching leadership development and using that knowledge to create resources that will help move the field of leadership education forward. CLC’s underlying theory is that leadership skills are primarily strengthened through deliberate practice.