
Case Writer’s Workshop

Andy Borchers, Lipscomb University, Leigh W. Cellucci, East Carolina University, Kay Hodge, University of Nebraska, Kearney, Cara Peters, Winthrop University
May 1, 2016
North America
Accounting & Finance, Economics, Entrepreneurship, Ethics & Social Justice, Human Resources & Organizational Behavior, Information Systems, Marketing & Sales, Operations, Strategy & General Management
10 pages
case writing, writing workshop, Journal of Case Studies, case research
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Thus, for this issue, our “From the Editors” article focuses on points made during the workshops. First, we will introduce who we are as the workshop presenters and describe the workshop atmosphere; second, we will summarize the content and experiences of two recent Case Writer’s Workshops held during the summer 2015 and spring 2016 conferences of the Society for Case Research (SCR). The content is divided into five sections as follows:

  • Discussing why case research and writing matters;

  • Describing the journals published by the Society for Case Research;

  • Elaborating upon the essential elements of case writing;

  • Offering practice sessions (e.g., writing a hook for a case); and

  • Presenting tips for the development of learning outcomes for students.