Society for Case Research Spring Conference MBAA

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Joyce A. Young, Faye S. McIntrye, Andrew Borchers

Rating Teaching Case Journals in Business: A Quality List

In this article, the authors develop a ranking system for teaching case journals using a three-step review process. An analysis solely focused on journal outlets for publishing peer reviewed cases had never been attempted. The authors adopted and modified an internal rating process used by a college of business at a mid-western university with a balanced focus on teaching, research, and service that had recently completed a successful maintenance of accreditation review by AACSB. Based on the authors’ assessment, eight journals received a B rating, five received a C rating, and seven received a D rating. The analysis provides insight into the relative rigor of the outlets that can guide faculty when evaluating potential outlets prior to publication. Colleges of business can also use the list in assessing the quality of the portfolio of intellectual contributions for planning and accreditation purposes.