Society for Case Research Spring Conference MBAA

Experience level: 
Intended Audience: 
Paul E. Olsen, Brandon Mitchell

That’s So Gay: Kellogg’s Faces Backlash to its “Together With Pride” Cereal

This critical incident is about Stacy Flathau, Senior Director of Corporate Communications at Kellogg, and Kellogg’s foray into LGBTQ activism with its limited edition “Together With Pride” cereal. The cereal, released during Pride Month in partnership with GLAAD, a national LGBTQ advocacy group, was harshly criticized by some as an “abomination” that promoted “unnatural sin and vice.” The questions for Flathau were would the public perceive Kellogg’s pro LGBTQ cereal as authentic and the whether the company’s foray into brand activism was worth the backlash?