Society for Case Research MBAA 2023

Experience level: 
Intended Audience: 
Izzy Ruprecht, Paul E. Olsen

Smack Down at the Greater Burlington YMCA

This critical incident is about a personnel issue facing the Greater Burlington YMCA’s (GBYMCA) Senior Director of Human Resources, Michele O’Day. O’Day was faced with a child care worker, Tina White, who showed up for work under the influence of drugs. Additionally, a bag of heroin fell out of the White’s purse while at work. O’Day had to decide how to handle White in the short and long term. Should she be disciplined, referred to the GBYMCA’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP), or terminated immediately? Additionally, O’Day had to decide what actions, if any, she should take to make sure incidents like this do not happen again.