IAJBS 8th Annual World Forum University of Detroit Mercy, Detroit, Michigan
Experience level:
Opening Ceremony
Host and Moderator:
Dr. Gary A. Giamartino, Dean College of Business Administration- University of Detroit Mercy
Reverend Gerald L. Stockhausen, SJ, Vice President of Academic Affairs and Provost- University of Detroit Mercy
Dr. Gregory W. Ulferts, Professor, College of Business Adminstration; IAJBS President- University of Detroit Mercy
Mr. Frank M. Heneessey, Chairman of the Board, EMCO, Ltd.- Chairman of the Detroit Regional Chamber Of Commerce
Mr. J. David Allen, Director Supplier Diversity Group- General Motors Corporation
Response from the Third World:
Reverend Gonzalo Arroyo, S.J., Vice Rector for Academic Affairs- University Alberto Hurtado
IAJBS Project for Consideration:
Dr. Thomas Bausch, Professor, College Of Business Administration - Marquette University; IAJBS Executive Director