IAJBS 23rd Annual World Forum University of Namur, Namur, Belgium

Experience level: 
Siegfried Kiel B. Sañez,Joseph Sedfrey Santiago, and Rosalina Palanca-Tan

Modes of Discovery: A Sustainable Business Model for Professional Boxing in the Philippines

Professional boxing has become big business, and one important stakeholder besides the boxer is the manager who earns by receiving a share or a cut from the earnings of the boxer under his or her management. At present, the boxer’s earnings normally come from cash prizes from the fight, pay-per-view shares, and endorsements, among others. While the manager would seem to be dependent on the boxer’s earnings, he or she is in fact the one responsible for the training and development of the boxer, and thus affect’s the boxer’s career trajectory. This process entails investment on the manager’s part – money, time, effort, emotion, and others. Thus it is important for a manager to discover a boxing talent who is worth the “investment.” This paper discusses the basic modes of discovering boxers in the Philippines, and highlights issues that could affect the sustainability of the careers of both the manager and the boxer.