Experience level: 
Intended Audience: 
Cledinei Clovis de Melo Cavalheiro; Suzete Antonieta Lizote; Ana Paula dos Santos

Who takes care of the caretaker? Relationship between flow at work and psychological well-being

The concept of flow comes from Positive Psychology and has been described as an “optimal experience” state. At work it has been characterized as a relevant construct to evaluate the emotional state of professionals in the organizational environment. Psychological well-being proposes that well-being is achieved through full functioning combined with the self-development of character strengths and virtues and the self-realization of individual potential. In this context, this study takes place at the Business Association of Palhoça/SC (ACIP), whose public are the associated managers. The main objective of the study was to analyze the relationship between the state of flow at work and the psychological well-being of the managers from ACIP companies. The study had a quantitative, descriptive approach, using the survey research method and univariate and multivariate techniques for data analysis. Data collection was carried out through the application of an instrument composed of questionnaires validated in Brazil. The sample consisted of 152 managers. The results showed that in relation to the managers' perception of the state of flow at work, the dimension that obtained the highest average was pleasure at work and, regarding psychological well-being, it was verified that personal growth was the dimension that stood out. The relationship between the constructs were tested through hypotheses and the positive relationship between the flow at work of the managers of the ACIP companies and psychological well-being were confirmed. As a practical contribution, it is suggested that organizations create environments that contribute to employee flourishing, where they feel they make the difference. And if the company knows what gives people pleasure at work and promotes a favorable place to an excellent state of concentration, as well as enabling people to have a total immersion in their work routines, there will be a greater number of people having a high level of pleasure in their work environment. As a result, the organizational context will find people feeling more often in the work environment: contentment, vitality, enthusiasm rather than stress, depression, people missing work, and the feeling of not belonging. Happy people produce more results, are more engaged and productive. Therefore, taking care of the caretakers is important, and promoting flow and well-being is an enormous demonstration of zeal, concern, and acceptance.