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Figure 1. Graphical representation of the model.png
Tabela 2 - Correlations between model constructs.png
Tabela 3 - Inference of direct and indirect effects.png
Tabela 4 - Final model (Total effects).png
Tabele 1 - Construct reliability, Convergent validity, and Discriminant validity.png
Abstract The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between pro-social leadership, innovation capacity and organizational performance in family businesses. It had a quantitative approach with a descriptive objective, using the survey research method and uni and multivariate techniques for data analysis. The sample consisted of 502 professionals who hold leadership positions in companies belonging to the Associação de Distribuidores e Atacadistas Catarinenses. The conjectured hypotheses were confirmed, that is, the positive relationships between pro-social leadership and the capacity for innovation; between prosocial leadership and organizational performance; between innovation capacity and organizational performance; and it was possible to state that there is a partial moderating effect of innovation capacity on the relationship between pro-social leadership and performance. About empirical and social contributions, studying pro-social leadership and the capacity for innovation allowed a systemic view of how to present perspectives that can better interpret the reality of family businesses in a scientific way, as well as suggest lines of action for the development of proactive leaders, fostering innovation and, consequently, contributing to organizational performance.
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Claudia Silva Ribeiro Alves;
Suzete Antonieta Lizote;
Sayonara de Fátima Teston;
Patrick Zawadski;
Cledinei Clóvis de Mello Cavalheiro;
Alessandra Yula Tutida;