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[Note: The full abstract & description are included in the attached file because this text box didn't allow formatting.] The purpose of this proposed general session is to advance the goals of CJBE and the IAJU’s Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education by sharing our experiences and those of our students with a powerful and versatile method for business education grounded in Ignatian pedagogy. Case Learning as Ignatian Pedagogy Business Grand Rounds is a flexible and effective student-centered learning method that maximizes students’ ownership of their learning process and demonstrates the value of Ignatian pedagogy. Business Grand Rounds “flips” case teaching to case learning. Instead of relying on faculty-selected cases and the traditional case teaching method, the process is based on the use of student-written cases and maximizes student ownership of the learning process from beginning to end. Instead of faculty teaching students from a published case, Business Grand Rounds maintains a focus on students’ learning using cases drawn from students’ own experiences; the faculty serves as a facilitator of this student-centered learning process. • IAJU’s “Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education” provided grant support for the authors’ creation of a comprehensive Teaching Note Business Grand Rounds: A Roadmap to Using Student Cases for Problem-based Learning (available at no cost at https://ignite.global). • The authors were recognized for this inventive, no-cost pedagogy with the “Innovations in Graduate Teaching Award” by the Mid-Atlantic Association of Colleges of Business Administration (MAACBA) in 2017. Business Grand Rounds is: • a practical application of Ignatian pedagogy; • a no-cost learning/teaching method that can be used in almost any setting; • motivating as students learn and work to help their classmates; • flexible and customizable based upon content, learning objectives, and faculty teaching style; • a form of problem-based learning; • a process for developing students’ skills in writing, analysis, presentation, interpersonal communication, critical thinking, and/or decision making; • a structure for students to write, select, analyze, present, discuss, explain, and reflect upon how they respond to real-life situations; • effective in in-person, hybrid, and online course settings; • focused on students seeking the right answer(s) instead of the “correct” answer; • supported by a comprehensive, no-cost teaching note (available at https://ignite.global); and • time-efficient and does not require faculty or student travel time or complicated logistics. Contributions Our proposed session will: • generate interest among faculty being introduced to Ignatian pedagogy; • facilitate reflection by faculty on their own teaching practices; and • encourage faculty to: • explore and experiment teaching with student-written cases; and • utilize the IgnitED website (https://ignitED,global) for other helpful, no-cost/low-cost resources. Appropriateness for CJBE 2022 We believe that this proposed general session is appropriate for the 2022 CJBE Annual Meeting because CJBE: • provides a supportive role in socializing business faculty who are new to Jesuit higher education, welcoming them to the network of business faculty in Jesuit institutions in the U.S. and across the world; and • brings together a growing network of established faculty equally committed to each student’s learning and their own learning; and • is intended to broaden and deepen these connections. Consistent with CJBE’s mission and IAJU’s Inspirational Paradigm for Jesuit Business Education, Business Grand Rounds is a means to reimagine business education in Jesuit institutions and make explicit the values and student-centeredness that make our institutions distinctively Jesuit. Format We propose a general/plenary session format similar to presentations at past CJBE conferences including “Occupy SLU” and Gentile’s Giving Voice to Values at Le Moyne (2016) and Lowney & Porth’s “The Walk That Changed History” at Creighton (2015). We request a session 60 minutes in length, but could also adapt our presentation to 75 or 45 minutes if needed. See the Session Summary (below/attached) for a narrative description of the session Business Grand Rounds and an outline of the proposed session. In closing We welcome your questions and would be happy to provide you with any and all information you need to consider our proposal.
Experience level
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C. Ken Weidner, II, Elena Lvina