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Our objective in this proposed WORKSHOP is to push the boundaries and imagination of Jesuit business schools during this period of global pandemic and loss. This forum will be an experiential exercise for participants to engage, reflect, and specify the “The business students' hunger” which each feels most called to address, and to define and commit to the actions that they will take within their home institution(s) to address their personal and institutional calling and mission. The 2021 Call for Papers identifies eight kinds of hungers in our business students today, occurring in the wake of continued global poverty, environmental degradation, labor market disruptions and disparities, and the sufferings of the silent and unseen people at the margins of economies field by global financialization and technological change. These are hungers for Integrated Knowledge, Moral Compass, Community, Global Paradigm, Adult Spirituality, Meaningful Impact, Dignified Work, and Experiential Learning. The forum will serve as space for participants to be inspired, or re-inspired, toward their own role in and contribution to fulfilling a transformational paradigm in Jesuit Business Education. It begins with a short 5-minute re-introduction to Jesuit traditions, followed by a 3-4 minute summary of the workshop’s aims, structure, and envisioned results. Then, for 15 minutes, participants will be randomly divided into small virtual groups (2 - 4 people) for collective exploration and discovery of each individuals’ specific, most called-for student hungers to address. The session continues with a 15-minute reconvening of the entire group, to share experiences from the breakouts. Then, the participants will be divided into the same virtual breakouts, to focus on how to implement their ideas of addressing at each home institution this upcoming 2021-2022 academic year. The facilitators for this session span a wide variety of backgrounds and interests, but all share a genuine interest in helping faculty members and Jesuit institutions to innovate and recommit to their Ignatian roots. • An innovator in higher education, a Management scholar and faculty member in schools of business, engineering, liberal studies, and public administration, bridging divides between academic research and the other priorities of the modern university, including student access and diversity, community engagement, and providing foundations for life-long learning. • A Management & Leadership faculty member with several years of service within the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education Board and her institution’s Center for Ignatian Spirituality. In addition to conducting research in the areas of employee selection decisions and how human resource practices create psychological contracts, she devotes time and talent to supporting the foundations of Jesuit education and spirituality. • A Marketing faculty member in Marketing with several years of service in leadership positions within the Colleagues in Jesuit Business Education. His research interests include business ethics, corporate social responsibility, social innovation and entrepreneurship, marketing at the base of the pyramid etc.
Experience level
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Session Time Slot(s)

Quintus Jett, Patricia Martinez, Nicky Santos