26th Annual IAJBS World Forum 2021
Experience level:
Intended Audience:
Cledinei Clóvis de Melo Cavalheiro, Suzete Antonieta Lizote, Daiane Johann, Alessandra Yula Tutida, Aline Daiane Schlindwein, Eduardo Bugs Gonçalves
In the international scene, more relevance and importance rendered to the action of the Organizations of the Third Sector as instances capable of supplementing the gaps left by the State and of causing the decrease of inequalities. The influence of globalization in various aspects, especially in public policies, stressed situations of economic, political and social complexity and affected directly the administration of different types of organizations, particularly those operating without profit. Thus, they need to be adapted and thus, they were preoccupied more and more with the quest for new mechanisms and tools to implement their action. In Latin America, during the last four decades, with the political-territorial rearrangements and the formation of economic groups like the Mercosul and the ALCA the stress is put upon the need of new accords about the function of the Organizations of the Third Sector. The administration of these organizations passed through a process of change since their activities needed to look primarily for Social Innovation and enterprise in order to be capable to provide the creation of value and to cause positively an impact on their stakeholders. In the face of this reality, the objective of this study was to identify the possibility to apply the theories of Social Innovation, starting from the perspective of enterprise on the basis of the studies of Choi and Majumdar (2015),Van der Haven and Rubalcaba (2016), Wigboldus (2016) and Medeiros (2018). The object of the research selected from the activities developed by the International Federation of Fé y Alegria (FIFyA), located in their headquarters all over the countries of Latin America. Methodologically, the start begins with the quantitative analysis of data from the basis of a bibliometric study and of the collection of informs gathered from social reports of the FIFyA, trying to understand the implication of promoting Social Innovation from the enterprise as tool to minimize the inequalities and promote social development. The data were gathered in only one moment, which characterizes a study as transversal. Initially, was made a demographical characterization of the places where is found the FIFyA, in Latin America. Subsequently, there started an attempt to analyze the actions of each country where perspectives of Social Innovation.
As for the last stage of this research, the impacts of actions were identified whose paradigms are innovation and social enterprise as instrument for creation of value. Among the contributions of this study quite relevant is a new vision and the conscientization of the stakeholders concerning the social impacts of the actions of the FIFyA, in the light of the perspectives of Innovation in the social enterprise. The impact of the present study is centered on the possibility to promote a change of the organizational culture, which in the long term tends to be incorporated in the adminitrative model of the FIFyA, defining a new its function, action and promoting a planning of future actions of the Federation in the light of the paradigm of enterprise and Social Innovation which promote the Creation of Value.