IAJBS 2018 Annual World Forum Seattle, Washington
Experience level:
Intended Audience:
Nathan Colaner, Geneva Lasprogata, Gabriel Saucedo, Jay Lambe, Holly Ferraro, Valentina Zamora
Integrating Liberal Arts into the Business Core
In this era of headlines revealing deeply disturbing business behavior, there is increasing urgency to facilitate values development in undergraduate student. In this vain, the importance of the humanities for undergraduate students cannot be underestimated, particularly in developing young business leaders who we hope will contribute their skills for a more just and humane world. Liberal arts learning is important for business students who are our future leaders in business as well in our global democracies as they need to have opportunity to learn about the world and their place in the world if they are to be effective leaders for responsible business. Please join us to hear from faculty from Seattle University’s Albers School of Business and Economics who have created pedagogical exercises to promote interdisciplinary student learning in our pre-professional business undergraduate program. Each course exercise incorporates a common ethics framework to complement the discipline specific assignment. This Panel will share their respective papers drawn from a collaborative effort to innovate undergraduate business education by infusing ethics more deeply into curricula. Topics included are: humanities and professional education integration; ethics; sustainability; modes of learning such as critical thinking, multiple framing and reflective learning; and assessment of learning outcomes.