
Primary File

Professional Reflection: The Alignment of Ignatian Pedagogy Principles with Jesuit Business School Education and Business Practices

Richard F. Callahan
July 1, 2013
North America
Ethics & Social Justice, Strategy & General Management
11 pages
Ignatian, Jesuit, business, practices, Higher Education
Student Price: 
$3.50 (€3.16)
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Despite the widespread use of case studies in business schools, an important aspect of learning from experiences remains underdeveloped: learning from the case study that is one’s own individual experience in business and in life. This absence of structured learning from personal experience is not an individual failing, but rather results from an under-appreciation of the centrality of reflection in effective business practice. “Reflection is perhaps one of the aspects least attempted in contemporary education,” Tellis noted at the Colleagues of Jesuit Business Education 2011 conference (2011, p. 32). This paper develops the case for personal and corporate learning through the practice of reflection, offering a structure for effective practices in the classroom and boardroom.