
Primary File

Outcomes Assessment for Mission: Measuring the Impact of Jesuit Education

Vivek H. Patil, Peggy Sue Loroz, Richie L. Liu
July 1, 2014
North America
Ethics & Social Justice
19 pages
Social Justice, Jesuit, Mission, Education, jesuit education
Student Price: 
$3.50 (€3.17)
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Outcomes Assessment for Mission: Measuring the Impact of Jesuit Education The accreditation standards of The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) make clear the essential role that a business school’s mission must play in setting the priorities for the school and guiding decision making and strategy across the various domains of the educational enterprise, including teaching, scholarship, and civic engagement. Specifically, Standard 1 reads: “The school artic- ulates a clear and distinctive mission, the expected outcomes this mission implies, and strategies outlining how these outcomes will be achieved. The school has a history of achievement and improvement and specifies future actions for continuous improvement and innovation consistent with this mission, expected outcomes, and strategies.” (AACSB, 2013)