Review of Business Interdisciplinary Journal on Risk and Society: Volume 39 Issue 2

There is strongly voiced support for the concept of sustainability, despite a di- vergence of opinion on whether it is the natural stock of resources that is to be sustained, the cash flow from these resources, or whether it is a fixed or a relative level of production or consumption that is to be sustained … and how to get there. Perhaps it is this diversity of opinion, together with the reality that every industry—be it insurance and reinsurance, animal husbandry, or car manufac- turing—has its specific challenges to/from sustainability that fuel the growth of sustainability-specific journals. This issue, therefore, provides just a glimpse of sustainability for its multidisciplinary readership. The hope is that some of the journal’s readership seeks overlap in the topics that populate sustainability- specific journals with their own scholarship.
This issue is possible by the generous support of Munich Re (Group), one of the world’s leading providers of reinsurance, primary insurance, and insur- ance-related risk solutions. Munich Re is a founding signatory to the United Nations’ Principles for Sustainable Insurance ( Ac- cording to Munich Re, the firm’s objective is to create value both for its investors and for society as a whole. Achieving this shared value objective, for Munich Re, involves systematically integrating sustainability criteria when striving for value in its core business, and applying a firm-wide Code of Conduct for responsible and sustainable decision-making in line with the ten principles of the United Nations Global Compact.