
Primary File

Pittsburgh International Airport: Battling Turbulence in the Airline Industry

Land, Hunter M.., Wentz, Matthew L., O’Rourke, J. S. (Editor)
February 12, 2018
North America
Strategy & General Management
19 pages
bankruptcies, airline industry, rebuild, industry in turmoil, Pittsburgh
Student Price: 
$4.00 (€3.76)
Average rating: 

Opened in 1992, the Pittsburgh International Airport midfield terminal complex was designed and built for the hub operations of USAir. Fifteen years and two bankruptcies later, US Airways has reduced what was their largest hub to a focus city with only 68 daily flights. As the airport sits half abandoned and eerily quiet, the Allegheny Country Airport Authority is working against an industry in turmoil to rebuild service at the airport. 

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. To highlight the conflict that arises as a government agency attempts to balance its goals and objectives with the budgetary constricts and requirements placed on it;
  2. To provide an example of a how a government agency’s decision to cooperate with a private company has resulted in unanticipated and detrimental consequences for the governmental agency;
  3. To encourage analysis of a government agency’s strategy when facing difficult industry conditions;
  4. To demonstrate how a government agency’s actions have and will directly impact an entire region;
  5. To encourage discussion regarding the level of responsibility the involved corporations have with the problems faced by the government agency.