OMG! He Said What? (A&E's Duck Dynasty Situation)

North America
Ethics & Social Justice
Strategy & General Management
4 pages
Duck Dynasty
A&E network
Public Relations
social media
Copyright Holder
Journal of Critical Incidents
Student Price
Target Audience
Undergraduate Students
This incident deals with the controversial interview in GQ magazine with Phil Robertson, founder of West Monroe, Louisiana-based Duck Commander and family patriarch on A&E’s “Duck Dynasty” reality television show. Robertson, a devout and conservative Christian, made some highly inflammatory comments about homosexuals and African-American in the pre-Civil Rights era. The A&E network suspended Robertson amid lots of PR, social media, and print commentaries and then reinstated him. The student is asked to assess how A&E handled the PR controversy and to provide suggestions for how the network should have handled the situation.
Learning Outcomes
- Assess a public relations controversial situation for implications to the firm’s reputation.
- Prepare several strategies for minimizing damage to a firm’s reputation and relationship with all publics involved.
- Conduct a stakeholder analysis of the A&E/Robertson situation.
- Discuss the best practices that should be followed by a firm when dealing with an outspoken celebrity.