Now What for the World’s Business Schools?

Our species faces the greatest challenge it has ever faced: how to transform the currently dominant global producing-distributingconsuming system from one that is destroying the planet’s capacity to support our species into one that will enable our species and all others to continue to exist and “flourish forever” (in the words of John Ehrenfeld), “heal a broken world” (in the words of the Jesuit Task Force Report on Ecology), and achieve “integral ecology,” “care for the vulnerable,” and “care for our common home” (in the words and sub-title of Pope Francis’s encyclical Laudato Si’). The system in which we live is clearly broken. It is continuously and increasingly damaging all aspects of the global ecosystem, creating almost unheard of levels of income and wealth inequality across the globe, bringing about climate change, global warming, and weather weirding that impact every area of the world, and marshaling in the sixth great extinction.