
NFL Case (A)
NFL Case (B)

The National Football League: “Who Gets to Take a Knee?”

Bradley, K.; Morcio, M.; Sims, A.; and McKendree, A. (editor)
December 31, 2019
North America
Ethics & Social Justice, Strategy & General Management
10 pages
NFL, oppression, communications strategy
Student Price: 
$4.00 (€3.68)
Average rating: 

Beginning the 2016 NFL preseason, 49ers’ quarterback, Colin Kaepernick, did not stand for the national anthem. In opposition of social injustices and systematic oppression, the one-kneed gesture grew to a larger protest of the national anthem. The NFL and commissioner Goodell ponder the proper stance, balancing patriotism and as social justice. 10 pp. (A) Case; 5 pp. (B) Case. Case #18-04. (2018)

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. To demonstrate how individual opinion can attract national attention, potentially harming an organization’s brand and public image.
  2. To begin discussion around the idea that various stakeholder groups often react in dramatically different ways, depending on their interests, values and perspectives.
  3. To demonstrate the ways in which corporate values, as exemplified by corporate behavior, can both stoke tensions and build community pride, depending on stakeholder interests.
  4. To illustrate the notion advanced by Arthur W. Page that “In a democratic country, every business begins by public approval and continues by public permission.”