
Primary File

Google Street View: Overstepping the Boundaries of Privacy and Security

Faillo, M., Hughes, J., and O’Rourke, J. S. (Editor)
February 12, 2018
North America
Strategy & General Management
8 pages
Google, application, media, image display, Innovation
Student Price: 
$4.00 (€3.76)
Average rating: 

Street View is a new Google application giving 360 degree panoramic views of select U.S. cities. The media and Google users have voiced concerns about the images displayed on Street View. Google must continue to develop new and innovative products to increase its user base without over stepping the boundaries of individual privacy and security. 8 pp. #08-03. (2008)

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. To encourage understanding in managing corporate communications issues relating to Internet companies;
  2. To help students understand the role the media and outside interest groups play during a public relations crisis involving the public’s privacy and security;
  3. To help students understand the role the media and outside interest groups play during a public relations crisis involving the public’s privacy and security.