Canada Goose Holdings, Inc.: The Ethical Sourcing of Down and Fur

North America
Ethics & Social Justice
12 pages
animal rights
corporate social responsibility (CSR)
Copyright Holder
Notre Dame
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
Executive Education
Other Audience
Luxury retail brand, Canada Goose, faces opposition from a prominent animal rights group surrounding the sourcing of materials used for its jackets. Several regulatory agencies have questioned the advertising practices of Canada Goose. Canada Goose now faces a decision regarding its brand and the ethical sourcing of fur and down. 12 pp. Case #19-12. (2019)
Learning Outcomes
- To highlight the conflict that may arise when a company must balance social responsibility with their original roots;
- To encourage analysis of how to handle a situation involving differing opinions on the importance of an issue;
- To demonstrate the growing power of non-governmental agencies (NGOs) today;
- To encourage discussion as to whether companies must prioritize animal rights in their corporate objectives;
- To highlight how companies must evolve and grow with the different generations that dominate the market.