Business Grand Rounds: A Roadmap to Using Student Cases for Problem-based Learning

Business Grand Rounds is a flexible, student-centered, case-based learning process grounded in students’ self-described personal experiences (Weidner & Lvina, 2017). Business Grand Rounds is rooted in Ignatian pedagogy and borrows from grand rounds used in medical education. It builds upon and differs from the traditional case method often used in business schools. Instead of assigning lengthy and/or costly published teaching cases, Business Grand Rounds is based on 1 to 2-page cases written by students. Using student authored cases increases students’ engagement in and ownership of the learning process. Business Grand Rounds typically involves students working in groups, analyzing cases written by their classmates, applying course concepts, developing and critiquing potential decision options or approaches, and leading a case discussion with the entire class. Our experience is that students approach these short cases just as seriously (and often more seriously) than commercially available cases. We and our colleagues have used this process to achieve a variety of learning objectives in a wide range of courses and settings at the undergraduate, graduate, and executive graduate levels, in corporate programs, and in both in-person and online courses. Business Grand Rounds cultivates skills including writing, working in groups, applying course subject matter, critical thinking, analysis (problem identification and problem-solving), presentation and facilitation, and engaging in reflection. Although we present and explain Business Grand Rounds as a step-by-step process, it is a flexible framework that invites faculty creativity. We illustrate different design options throughout this discussion and provide examples, templates, and other tools to meet a range of learning objectives and student populations.