Applications in Experiential Learning and Regional Socio-Economic Development

North America
Strategy & General Management
Human Resources & Organizational Behavior
39 pages
experiential learning
International Business
Student Price
Target Audience
Graduate Students
Undergraduate Students
This pedagogy prioritizes intellectual aspect (subject-related knowledge), skill development and applications (skill development exercises, real life projects, speakers), project-based and experiential learning through regional [Southern California - SoCal] business and socio-economic development. This pedagogy also takes an interdisciplinary approach focusing on student learning in business development and broader issues of socio-economic development (e.g., addressing top priority regional [SoCal] socio-economic problems such as homelessness, traffic congestion, or affordable housing). The following will also be considered:
Integration of the global and local aspects grounded in exploring best worldwide/regional practices, refining and applying some of these practices toward regional problems and developmental socio-economic priorities.
- Ex. Exploratory projects grounded in the UN Sustainable Development Framework. Based on selected SDGS, student project teams will identify best practices, refine, and advise policy implications/strategic recommendations for some of these practices toward regional problems and socio-economic priorities.
- Bridging academia and regional business community through real life projects and enabling academia’s impact on regional socio-economic problem solving and development.
- Application of diverse instructional strategies and practices to enhance the educational experience and maintain the rigor of the business curriculum both in-person and online formats (e.g., flipped classroom, experiential learning, case study pedagogy).
Instructional materials include:
- Skill development exercises: 10-12 exercises for home and class work in subject areas associated with international business venturing and socio-economic development.
- Cases: 5-10 cases associated with subject areas.
- Video materials associated with subject areas in support of exercises and cases.
- Online resource guide: List of selected free and fee-based resources associated with subject areas for curriculum integration and student research.
- Depository of student project reports associated with subject areas.
Learning Outcomes
- Experiential Learning: Student learning will be enhanced by implementing experiential learning projects focused on 21st-century skills, including immersive experiences (local and global) and real-life cases.
- Integrated Knowledge: Students will increase their understanding of business and gain awareness of global issues via the relevant instructional materials and hands-on research opportunities.
- Global Paradigm: Students will have a greater appreciation and understanding of the global paradigm by recognizing the interconnectedness of their local and global communities.