AACSB accreditation standards now focus on societal impact. The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which case research is supportive of societal impact. The authors analyzed a sample of the title, author keywords, abstracts, and summaries of 177 publications from the Journal of Critical Incidents from 2016 – 2023, for their representation of two of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Gender Equality (SDG5) and Reduced Inequalities (SDG10). The authors used artificial intelligence (AI) to extract data from the abstract and summaries of the sample after training the software to recognize keywords, themes, and relevant subcategories. The overall data for 2016-2023, and two separate periods (2016-2019; 2020-2023), were analyzed to determine the frequency that the two SDG themes appeared in CIs. The two time periods were also compared for similarities and differences in outcomes. Key findings are reported, along with a discussion of the implications.