45th Annual Society for Case Research & Global Jesuit Case Series Summer Workshop

Call For Papers

The Society for Case Research invites cases and papers from faculty with an interest in case writing.  Submissions can include:

1. Embryo cases - Have an idea for a case?  Create a short draft and identify some learning outcomes.  That's all you need to participate.  Your embryo will receive feedback from experienced case writers.
2. Full case studies - The Journal of Case Studies (JCS) and Business Case Journal (BCJ) publish full-length case studies in two or three issues a year.  Submissions should include both a case and teaching note.  JCS has a late September submission deadline.  BCJ accepts submissions throughout the year.
3. Critical incidents - The Journal of Critical Incidents (JCI) is an annual journal that publishes short cases (3 pages maximum) that focus on a single decision point.  JCI has a late May submission deadline.
4. Articles - Both JCS and BCJ accept articles related to case writing.  

5. Panels - Submissions with multiple presenters related to a same topic are also considered for presentation. 

*Manuscript guidelines for the journals can be found at: Manuscript_Guidelines.pdf.  

As in the past, this year’s event will be a great opportunity for you to receive feedback from other case writers about your cases, critical incidents, and embryo cases.

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