Cronin-Gilmore started teaching in 2000 and has earned the rank of full Professor at Bellevue University where she teaches full time and is the Director of the Doctorate of Business Administration (DBA) Program and, also, Director of Marketing degrees. Previous to this, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore led the Marketing and Marketing Research undergraduate concentrations for College of Saint Mary in Omaha, NE.
In 2021, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore received a "Best Paper Award" for "Reexamining Quality of Life, Motivation, and Productivity in the Workplace during a Pandemic" from The Academy of Business Research. In 2017, she received the "Excellence in Teaching/Training Award" for higher education from the United States Distance Learning Association. In 2016, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore received the "John R. Maenner award for Excellence in Graduate Teaching" from Bellevue University. In 2015, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore received “Marketer of the Year” from the American Marketing Association, Nebraska chapter, and a Pinnacle Award (perfect score) for the Women’s Fund of Omaha (Ne) Board of Directors research project. She received an “Excellence in Innovation” award (2015) for creating an M.S. in Strategic Marketing degree at Bellevue University and received the “Excellence in Online Teaching Award” in 2013. Dr. Cronin-Gilmore received a Pinnacle Award from the American Marketing Association for a year-long research project completed for The United Way of the Midlands in 2012. In 2010, she was recognized by the Mid-America Direct Marketing Association as a Direct Marketer of the Year for superior performance in the field of marketing. Dr. Cronin-Gilmore received the Edward A. Filene Award (2011) from the Credit Union National Association, Inc. and a Board of Directors award (2010) from the Nebraska Credit Union League. Dr. Cronin-Gilmore was awarded the Kotouc Family Professorship Award (Bellevue University, 2005) for course development. She has earned four certifications from the National Association of Federal Credit Unions. In 2010, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore published a book titled: Small Business Marketing Strategy and has published many articles in journals and conference proceedings in addition to writing and publishing cases. She actively researches, publishes and presents.
Along with her teaching responsibilities, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore was elected to the seven person Board of Directors for Cobalt Credit Union, which is a $1 Billion dollar financial institution in Nebraska and serves as Chairman of the Board; she is on the Board of Directors for the International Institute of Marketing Professionals, and on the Board of Directors for The American Association for International Branding. In addition, Dr. Cronin-Gilmore is the Journal for Excellence in Business Education Editor Emeritus; a past board member for the Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership (and a reviewer); reviewer for Prentice Hall Publisher and for three National Marketing conferences including The American Marketing Association Annual Summer Marketing Educators Conference, Marketing Educators Association, and The Marketing Management Association Annual Conference. Dr. Cronin-Gilmore has earned a Ph.D. in Business Administration specializing in marketing; M.A. in Management and a B.S. in Marketing.