
Jesuit Business Schools: Educating for Global Citizenship
July 9-12, 2023 | Universidad Loyola Andalucía Campus Sevilla
Key Question
How can Jesuit Business Schools better prepare our students to lead in the creation of a more sustainable, inclusive, just and reconciled world?
Reflection Topics
Levering our global network
- On the letter where Fr General announced the new UAP´s, Universal Apostolic Preferences, he also called us, our community and institutions to a conversion, reinforces our sense of shared mission. How are Jesuit Business Schools leveraging the Jesuit global network?
Preparing our students for the new work paradigm in a global world
- As disruptive forces like Artificial Intelligence, outsourcing, automation and multinational/global companies continue to develop, how can we better prepare our students to lead in the creation of a more inclusive and just world?
Business Curriculum and global economic and environmental justice
- How can our business schools promote the use of more global dimensions in our curriculum? A curriculum that will prepare young people to take their place as citizens in a global society.
Jesuit Universities and global citizenship education
- What does Global Citizen mean for our Universities and Business Schools. Relationship between Laudato si’, Catholic Social Teaching and SDG´s in business education and how to involve them.
Important Dates:
- Abstract submission deadline: April 17, 2023 ** EXTENDED **
- Abstract notification deadline: April 24, 2023 ** EXTENDED **
- Full paper deadline: May 25, 2023 ** EXTENDED **
- Full paper notification deadline: June 9, 2023
View the full call for papers and submission guidelines here.