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This is the full preview of the Journal of Case Studies Fall 2023 issue. Individual articles can be found by searching the article title.
Writing Discussion Questions and their Responses: Excellence in Case Studies: Part 6...
What do Arianna Huffington (Huffington Post media mogul),
George Schultz (former US Secretary of State and businessman),
Sara Blakely (Spanx founder),
Oprah Winfrey (media mogul), and
Ray Dalio (founder of...
This is the full preview of the Business Case Journal Summer 2023 issue. Individual articles can be found by searching the article title.
Traveling the Road of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Have We Arrived at a Crossroads...
Strategic Leadership and Turnover Reduction at Clan Group
En este episodio, exploraremos el caso de TECHO, una organización que ha adoptado el enfoque de innovación frugal en Latinoamérica, tanto en sus soluciones de vivienda de emergencia como en su modelo de operación....
This critical incident is about a personnel issue facing the Greater Burlington YMCA’s (GBYMCA) Senior Director of Human Resources, Michele O’Day. Tina White, one of the GBYMCA’s child care workers, showed up for work under the influence of...
This critical incident presents a business dilemma faced by Monarch Beverage, the largest beer and wine wholesaler in Indiana. Phil Terry, CEO, had just received official notification from E. & J. Gallo Winery that it was ending its...
On March 12th, 2019 U.S. District Attorney Andrew Lelling publicly announced indictments against 57 individuals, including actor Lori Loughlin and her husband fashion designer Mossimo Giannulli, for their roles in the nationwide conspiracy to...
About 35 minutes after leaving its dock near Branson, Missouri, Ride the Ducks Stretch Duck 7, a modified World War II amphibious craft, began foundering and taking on water. Steep waves and 65 mph winds from a derecho (inland hurricane) on...
On May 1, 2023, First Republic Bank (FRC) failed, one week after it announced its first quarter earnings on April 24, 2023, and only a few weeks after the high-profile failures of Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank. During the April...