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Responding to Pope Francis’s appeals in Laudato si’ and to societal pressures, multinational enterprises (MNEs; Dunning, 1977) are increasingly searching for ways to structure demands for corporate social responsibility (CSR). Previous...
To make real progress on what can only be classified as environmental emergencies, we need a wide base of public consensus for action given that public motivation and involvement is a prerequisite for policymakers to implement what our...
Inspired by Pope Francis’s call for a new journey that instills the importance of conservation and care for the environment, we propose a practical model that mathematically incorporates sustainability issues into capital planning, selection,...
The articles also share at least one other theme: the observation that too few people are influencing the fate of the earth. By controlling wealth and the policy process, a small elite is pursuing policies that challenge the sustainability of...
This study analyzes sustainability concepts through the lens of Roman Catholic Social Teaching (CST) with a special emphasis on Laudato Si’. CST expands the focus of sustainability to include social justice through its emphasis on human dignity...
The world is facing significant threats from inequality and climate change, both of which are potential sources of societal and civilizational instability. Sustainability crises will most likely affect the poorest in the world much more than...
In 2015, Pope Francis released his second papal encyclical, Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home (Francis, 2015), the central idea of which is the Holy Father’s concern for the future of our planet, our common home, and to seek sustainable...
This article examines Pope Francis’ encyclical letter, Laudato si’, from the perspective of a spirituality of presence, which it relates to resiliency, or the ability of organizations to respond to current or emerging crises. This spirituality...
In a world greatly in need of healing, today’s leaders acting as shamans could potentially bring the shaman’s ancient wisdom to the effort to create a more sustainable, just, and equitable world. Today’s shamanic leaders undertake the same...
This study explores a management education model to help integrate sustainable development ideas into university curricula and programs. This pedagogical model emphasizes a community-based approach along with other proven methods for university...