DSEF-UNCG Entrepreneurial Marketing & Sales Prospecting Module

Dr. James Boles
November 23, 2020
North America
Entrepreneurship, Marketing & Sales
6 pages
entrepreneurship, marketing concepts, prospecting, Segmentation
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This course gives students the chance to develop their knowledge and thinking about entrepreneurial opportunities by applying marketing concepts to the specific challenges of the small business, start-up, or entrepreneurial setting. The entrepreneurial environment has a number of marketing challenges that are similar, but also can be somewhat different, from those faced by large, established firms and may require the entrepreneur to apply marketing techniques in a unique way.

About DSEF - UNCG Modules:

DSEF partnered with UNCG to develop course content that advances knowledge of the direct selling industry. UNCG’s Entrepreneurship Cross-Disciplinary Program (ECDP) professors, under the leadership of DSEF Fellow Dr. Dianne Welsh, developed and incorporated direct selling modules into their curriculum (both online and face-to-face), including a minimum equivalent of one week of lectures and assignments out of a 15-week semester. The modules were developed for entrepreneurship cross-listed courses in key fields related to channels of distribution (i.e. information technology, sales and marketing).

Learning Outcomes: 
  1. Identify the role of marketing at various stages of the entrepreneurial process;
  2. Identify ways in which marketing inputs can enhance the new product/service development process;
  3. Apply entrepreneurial thinking to market segmentation and targeting decisions;
  4. Develop inexpensive yet reliable and valid approaches to conduct market research for entrepreneurial concepts;
  5. Segment a market for a specific direct selling product and then develop a prospecting plan based on the targeted segment.
  6. Identify how to network and leveragere sources in entrepreneurial ventures, and ways that marketing can facilitate both of these activities;
  7. Demonstrate entrepreneurial approaches to formulating product, price, promotional anddistribution strategies and action programs;
  8. Design creative approaches to marketing communications under conditions of resource limitations which face many, if not most, start-ups.